coderquill's inklings


back to the Pittsburgh base! shifted to a new house. closer to the campus so yaay! On a full time job hunt. graduating in December 2024!


08-01-2024 so you want to know what I am doing rn? stalker behavior fr.

after lots of Leetcode hours, crying and even more pixie dust, internship gods have granted me a software engineer intern at a really cool stealth startup(yes, cool for real) in san fransisco, where I am learning how to fly planes(zoom zoom through the GG).

day goes in all things aviation and I get tired after the commute, so I doze off immediately.

slowly getting into board games.

trying to go out at least one day per weekend and sleep through the other one. body is exhausted, mind is happy so far. missing home but let's be for real, when do I not?! lol=))